Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Network of Support

It's Gratitude Month. I don't have a verified source on that one, but honestly... who cares? Shouldn't we all be a little more thankful for what we have? I made "Thankful Trees" with my students today, and they came up with all sorts of stuff they were thankful for (although I did make an "only one toy" rule...). So, it's my turn.

Today I am thankful for... a support network of wonderful and generous people, some of whom have made good on the promise of a spare bedroom to crash in.

How many times have you heard someone say, "you know, if you ever need a couch to crash on, you can stay on mine!"? And how many times have you dismissed this offer because, A) you didn't think they really meant it (it's just a thing people say, but don't really mean, right? or B) you are the kind of person who is too proud to ever admit that you might need this kind of charity? Well I'm a big ol' dismisser of this kind of offer.

Until now.

Having spent seven very financially irresponsible months in Europe, I am beyond broke right now. Add that to a healthy dose of stubbornness, and you'll find me currently living in Vic with nowhere to actually live. I came over three weeks ago with two suitcases and a third one chalk-full of faith (sidenote: what's the origin of the phrase chalk-full? Am I even saying that right? My family DOES have a habit of changing these things...). Fabulous Set of Friends #1 saved the day and offered their spare room. And so, I've been living with Kate and Jon since then. But the agreement from the get-go (with their landlord, that is) was that I would be gone by October 1.

Since I still don't have a permanent place to call home (or any money to pay for a first months' rent plus damage deposit), Fabulous Set of Friends #2 (known in local circles simply as Scott and Thomas) have stepped up to the plate and I'm now in their spare room. Which is awfully convenient, 'cause I hang out there most days anyway :)

Moving *back* to a city definitely has its perks. I am ever-so-thankful (hence the inaugural "thankfulness" statement) for these friends (and more, who made genuine offers that still may be taken up). In a very real sense, I have been given a roof over my head - not too shabby a gift, if you ask me!

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